Why are designations and resource consents needed for the project?

The Resource Management Act 1991 allows for areas of land to be designated for public use, for things like roads, flood protection works and public transport infrastructure. It also sets out when resource consents are required for different activities that may affect the environment.

Last updated: 14 Jun 2023
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Once land is ‘designated’ in the district plan, this also provides the land use authorisations needed for that work under the Resource Management Act 1991. If a Crown authority or a local council wants land designated for a particular purpose, it must submit a Notice of Requirement for a new designation, or to alter an existing designation to the local authority. This is similar to applying for resource consent.

Last updated: 3 Aug 2021
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Because the project includes new state highway, flood protection, public transport and local infrastructure, new designations and alterations to existing designations are needed to secure RMA approvals and to provide certainty as to where the project infrastructure is needed.

Last updated: 14 Jun 2023
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Resource consents are also required from Greater Wellington Regional Council and Hutt City Council for a variety of works related to the project.

Last updated: 14 Jun 2023
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